Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink! With the rain sluicing down outside and making a moat around our house we've been racking our brains about how to connect the water for the new house without digging across the road outside our place. We thought we had hit on the best option - asking our neighbours (and paying them a tidy sum by way of compensation) to go through their lot and access the water in the road behind us - after all we already have a drainage easement winding its way through their property... however our builder assured us yesterday that the flat bed borer could do the job (95% certain) for $12,000. Which is much better than the $60,000 he was threatening us with earlier. We asked him sign a contract variation to that effect. And he did, saying 'I told you it wasn't as bad as you thought!'. So in a months time we should have the water connected and be able to finish the driveway - nearly four months later!
This must be the week for solving problems. We have also managed to solve the problem of our broody hen - we have lent her out to a friend who wants to hatch some eggs! So all that excess mothering energy is now being put to good use. When the eggs hatch we will go and visit - the kids will just love it!
I've been doing some intensive reading on kitchen design and go to bed, my head reeling with 'work triangles', 'appliance garages', 'islands' and 'utensil racks'. I have contacted a company that creates eco kitchens without fumes (formaldehyde is a nasty glue used in most kitchens) and using recycled material where possible. They will do a quote from a sketch so I am attempting to put my ideas down on paper. I now have much admiration for kitchen designers - there is so much detail and so many aspects to consider. At the moment I can't decide where to put the sink. P. requested that it be under the window, but that would mean there would be no room for the dishwasher and the cutlery and crockery would be too far from the dining area. See what you think... here is the floorplan and some sketches I've done...

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