Hello all - long time no blog, eh? Oh well, life does get away from one sometimes... Here are many pics for your viewing pleasure to compensate in some way for my online absence. Enjoy!
First up we have our lovely christmas tree - P and L enthusiastically trimmed one of our she-oak trees from the front garden. We placed it in a bucket of water which was weighted down with bricks and brought it inside. P also tied it to a hook on the ceiling for extra stability. You can see L brandishing the trusty measuring tape - to make sure it would fit!
Then we have a couple of gorgeous pressies we received in pride of place on our bathroom vanity - a guzmania plant and an eco soy candle. I'm trying to bring more green inside these days - it truly enlivens the space!
Our advent calendar was a hit with L. It was born partly of desperation - trying to ward off more questions about when Christmas was coming... we filled each envelope the night before with christmas themed stickers, stamps, small candles, little treats, decorations and ideas for christmas activities (such as viewing the shop windows in the city).
P has been working like a trojan over the last few months constructing two pergolas to shade and screen the house - one on the east side and one on the west next to the carport. We've had a bit of wood put aside from the house building which has come into its own for these projects.
I've been enjoying the eastern pergola especially (I can access it through the glass doors from my studio) and can quite happily sit at my blue table just smelling the sweet air and gazing at all the different shades of green...
The last two pictures are of my own private pizza chefs cooking up a storm in our kitchen. We all love 'real pizza' as L calls them. P starts the dough in the bread maker in the morning and then an hour or so before dinnertime they don their aprons and start clouding the air with flour and then there is much patting and pricking, tasting and rolling of dough. The mushroom pizza is especially tasty!