I had to ring P this morning to check he had survived this morning's climb. Yes - every time it rains (just when the tarps are extra slick and slippery) he gets the ladder out, scales the tarp-covered roof and empties the pockets of water that collect there between the wood battens. He's worried the water will get beetween the tarps sheets onto the roof and warp the wood again - which would be a disaster. I just wish someone else would do it. He's decided to test the sand which has been delivered for our external mortared brick walls and made a dash to Bunnings last night to procure the required thickness of plywood to use as a drying base for the mixed mortar. He also wants to get 2 mover's trolleys (a board on wheels) to transfer the sliding doors and windows (complete with glass) from the carport (where they are in danger of being damaged) down to the building site. This would involve building a temporary ramp from the end of the driveway down to the slab over what is a rough and muddy patch of ground. I think he wants me to help him... I can just see a runaway window hurtling down the hill only to stop with a great splintering crash at the piles of mudbricks sitting neatly on the driveway.
All this activity on P's part is filling the hours while we wait for the electrician to complete his work. The contracted electrician hasn't been responding to calls (apparently the poor man has a new baby and there have been complications) so we've had a replacement semi-retired guy come in who had to attend a funeral last week and hasn't returned since - too much whisky at the wake..? As you can see, it is a life or death situation... ! And of course the builders can't continue their work until the electrician is finished. So the roof remains tarped and the frame is festooned with unconnected wires and we pray that the good weather holds out long enough for some sort of progress to be made.
I'm busying myself with plans for L's party this Sunday. The theme, after some negotiation (he wanted dinosaurs to begin with) is lions and tigers. He has some suitable furry outfits with tails to wear - so that's covered. I've started on the cake decorations and now I'm wracking my brain trying to think of some themed party bags that don't actually contain lollies - yes, I'm taking a stand. There is too much sugar at parties these days! So I'm trying to minimise the levels of glucose by combining the sugar with cake and serving fructose in the form of fruit instead. There will be more savoury snacks than sweet overall. We're having the party in the park which should work well - lots of space and climbing equipment for the little ones, and an oval right next door for the bigger kids. Also, I don't have to worry about tidying up!
I had a go at making some liquid hand soap - not too hard: take a bar of soap, soak it in a bucket of water overnight (I had to grate the soap - it didn't dissolve as quickly as it should have), mix it up, add a few squirts of sorbolene and a few drops of essential oil (I used lavender). I estimate I made about 6 litres of the stuff. Then I had to find bottles to store it in! I rescued some from the recycling bin. I found 2 litre washed milk cartons to be just the thing. We will be able to reuse the pump dispensers we've already got from the supermarket. The idea for all this came from the Simple Savings website which has some very good ideas I must say. I'm all for saving a bit of money - it's good for your wallet, requires a little creativity and lateral thinking and helps the environment too!

We could have a vote for which one you all like best - what do you think?