We have electricity!!! What a luxury to be able to have the kettle and the toaster running at the same and know that in a few minutes you will be able to turn on the hot water in the bathroom for a steaming shower (along with lights and ventilator fans)! We take so much for granted...
We are now minus a few more trees - this time removed by the professionals - no mishaps this time around. We can actually see the neighbours now - hope they don't mind the view! The clay has hardened in the dryer weather and we no longer have to change shoes to enter the house. I did however have to abandon the pram the other day at the top of the drive after a visit to the park and squeeze past the chipper truck in the driveway with L. in my arms. Phew - bit of a tight squeeze - but we made it.
One small hitch has appeared on the horizon... we have been told that there is no water mains to connect to on our side of the road. The water connection for the new house will have to be connected to the other side of the road! This is just a small matter of boring under a four lane highway and trying to avoid the communications cable that runs between Sydney and Melbourne! We have been told by the builder that all this is 'not as bad as it seems' - who knows what that means... we have no choice but to grin and bear it and are now waiting for a quote for the extra work.
The miracle of eggs! In the evenings I often volunteer to tuck the hens (4 beautiful black Langshorns - named Ava, Loki, Tesh and Vara) in at night and as I do I peer into the corner of the hen house to see two perfect eggs resting in the nest hollowed out of earth. The hens watch me from their night perch and cluck gently as I lift them carefully out - sometimes still warm - and carry them up to the house - dreaming of yummy omelettes and cakes...